LEGO: "Fortress", You Will Be Missed!

It felt like yesterday when almost exactly three years ago, the fictious restaurant with promising and riveting detail, to the caliber the Miniatur Wunderland guys pulled off, was completed. The video was posted here to thousands of viewers:

The model was pretty much a direct and expanded result of the Burrow set, 4840. It was laden with a limited parts palette and in some respects didn't look right (especially the black back wall for the "Second Floor".)
It only served in mini-layouts like the one videotaped, and was downstairs for the Christmas layout in 2010 and 2011. Its spot was lost to McDonald's in 2012, (wow, what a big loss!), but at the same time, the model just began to get dusty and disintegrate. I already lost a huge chunk of sidewalk somewhere in the process. As some may have noticed it never made it to Plant City, and already then it was unofficially slated for retirement.

What I really liked about the job I did on it was the fully furnished interior which is in the video. The door to the bathroom, serving area, kitchen, tables, and outside sitting were done to maximum detail.

However, as my building style evolved and I went through two LUGBULK cycles, parts selection grew, and the function and design for this building started to be dated. The one thing that is irreplaceable is the perfection of the arches in the facade.
In 2013 the boot was prepared but the model survived another 9 years, stored with no fate. Now, as I am prepping for the '13 Christmas layout, it's time to clean house and claim the baseplate for that modular I mentioned.

Progress is now cascading and the interior has been pretty much vacated and parts of the facade are now cleaned off. Note: those are nutritional supplements in the background, not drugs!

 The interior oddly enough looks like a war zone, and some of the litter is oddly enough fake Christmas leaves.

Parts of the exterior have already been stripped for a reason or another.

It's slated but indirect replacement will be an upscale restaurant/bar.

Keep it posted for more progress pictures of the new modular I'm making!


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