Choo-Choo Trains and TEDxFIU
High Speed Rail mentioned or not, the TED talks have piqued my interest and I made sure to book my free tickets for the Fall 2013 TEDxFIU, even willing to miss 25 minutes of an otherwise boring Chemistry lecture to do it. I succeeded, fortunately within that one minute window of availability.
When I learned that there was going to be a speech regarding HSR, my anticipation for the event grew. Now that we are on the day of, I did some research for the event to recap what I will be ready to hear about and even discuss, and found (in the site linked above) that the speaker for HSR was missing from the final list even though his topic was still advertised. I did some more looking around and found his twitter with the disappointing news.
Even though the topic that stood out really well will not make the cut for me, I still will go regardless and am looking forward to hearing the various topics, especially the topic about quantum physics and the Higgs Bosom.
Also, I missed Dr. Marty's colloquium for the Honors College regarding biowarfare so I am sure she will be speaking briefly about it and as such I'll be looking forward to that speech as well.
Nonetheless, I am still excited for the TED Event. I might be even thinking up maybe working with the HSR speaker in the future, as his mission/ideas are fascinating (especially for this railfan) and I would like to be involved.
There will probably be more postings in the future regarding this HSR concept as well as the more easy, approachable, Tri-Rail "Lehigh Extension" idea that I would like to revive, which I already introduced into this blog last week through Trainz Simulator 12.
When I learned that there was going to be a speech regarding HSR, my anticipation for the event grew. Now that we are on the day of, I did some research for the event to recap what I will be ready to hear about and even discuss, and found (in the site linked above) that the speaker for HSR was missing from the final list even though his topic was still advertised. I did some more looking around and found his twitter with the disappointing news.
Even though the topic that stood out really well will not make the cut for me, I still will go regardless and am looking forward to hearing the various topics, especially the topic about quantum physics and the Higgs Bosom.
Also, I missed Dr. Marty's colloquium for the Honors College regarding biowarfare so I am sure she will be speaking briefly about it and as such I'll be looking forward to that speech as well.
Nonetheless, I am still excited for the TED Event. I might be even thinking up maybe working with the HSR speaker in the future, as his mission/ideas are fascinating (especially for this railfan) and I would like to be involved.
There will probably be more postings in the future regarding this HSR concept as well as the more easy, approachable, Tri-Rail "Lehigh Extension" idea that I would like to revive, which I already introduced into this blog last week through Trainz Simulator 12.
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