GEVO Juice

My first all inclusive Power Functions locomotives, which are CSX General Electric ES44AHs are in the process of being rebuilt to adapt to numerous design improvements made and tested with my Florida East Coast Models. One of two of them has been completed and here are pictures.

Over the old design, the improvements include the following:

  • Reduction of height profile by one plate
  • Reduction of Flame Yellowish Orange sil to one plate instead of two. A layer of black plate lines the bottom of the base.
  • New handrail design. This uses cut up hose elements acquired from Bricklink. Granted it wasn't cheap, but these locomotives come with some of my heaviest investments.
  • Easier Power Functions operations. For one, the battery box is now better connected to the locomotive. Also, I don't have to remove half of the locomotive to power it on or off. Just the section with the horn and exhaust stack has to be pulled out to access the battery box. This makes the engine sturdier plus it won't bottom out every time as the fuel tank elements kept sagging down.
  • Of course, the new and improved radiator design which was worked over time. Expect a paid video tutorial soon! 
I will mention here as well that support for the LEGO train end from me is starting to dwindle a little bit. Interests are siding more with HO scale models due to better realism and better size. Despite that I continue investing in maintaining a fair fleet of locomotives and railcars for all to enjoy, including myself. The sister locomotive, #3069 will be redone soon. I will discuss more in a future post how a hint of dark ages are coming. 


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