You Know You're a Florida East Coast Railfan When....

The previous post has generated quite a bit of praise; now for the FEC edition;)
You know you're a FEC railfan when:

  1. You can't handle railfanning in any temperature below 32ยบ F. 
  2. You're up at the butt crack of dawn for some FEC action, which can vary depending on which part of the mainline you live in. North end: 226, 224, 905 and 109; Middle corridor: 109 and 210, with a local here and there, and South end: 335, 121, and 123
  3. You eat, sleep, and breathe EMD. You don't believe that GE has any form of existence and deny that the railway has bought the Tier-4 Compliant ES44C4s
  4. Your girlfriend is named Ashley
  5. You can actually call a locomotive "Pinky"
  6. Freight cars are termed as Dead Loads
  7. You bow down to the gods (ie. President Hertwig) every time the Azalea, St. Augustine, and Power Car pass on the butt end of trains like 101 and 226
  8. Nightlife for you includes clubbing around the destinations I mentioned in the previous list, as well as Fort Pierce, Jacksonville, NSB, and Daytona
  9. The EOT and the time it passes through are just as important as the train itself
  10. You know every line of the DD Readouts, and can tell exactly which DDs give various characteristics such as length of train and axle count
  11. You can't sleep or consider a day complete without catching 101 and 202 
  12. You hail "ECH" (Dave Shelley) and Jim B. as "America's Favorite Crew" and just have to see them go about their daily run
  13. you're so used to the mix up of intermodal, dead loads, racks, rock, and unit ethanol that when someone points such a mix out on a different RR such as NS or CSX, it matters not at all to you and is rank and file
  14. You have flashbacks to the KWE days when you railfan Stuart
  15. Every once in a while you have a bedtime dream or nightmare of rail ops on the Key West Extension 
  16. Every time you hear or see the keys you think first of the railroad that ran through there
  17. Instead of driving down I-95 or US Highway 1 (unless it parallels the RR), you just have to pace along the railroad tracks down Old Dixie Highway (SR 811 in Broward/Palm Beach counties)
  18. You go crazy and lose your mind when 101, 109, 226, or 210 has three Champions
  19. You pull a trainandhawksfan when catching a Champion
  20. You consider most FEC only locomotive lashups as variety
  21. OLS and the respect of private property are a really big deal (this is more on a serious than humorous note)
  22. You refer to Ft. Pierce as FO habitually
  23. You call the US-1 bridge over the San Sebastian River the damned bridge
  24. You've shot every SD70M-2 on the roster on just the hot trains alone within a week
  25. You can name every domestic and international container company that rides 101 and 202 on a daily basis
  26. You know well about former branches such as the Kenansville Line, the Fellsmere Grade, the line to Palatka, Enterprise Branch and others, and pinpoint them when crossing them on the interstate


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