You Know You're a Florida East Coast Railfan When....
The previous post has generated quite a bit of praise; now for the FEC edition;) You know you're a FEC railfan when: You can't handle railfanning in any temperature below 32ยบ F. You're up at the butt crack of dawn for some FEC action, which can vary depending on which part of the mainline you live in. North end: 226, 224, 905 and 109; Middle corridor: 109 and 210, with a local here and there, and South end: 335, 121, and 123 You eat, sleep, and breathe EMD. You don't believe that GE has any form of existence and deny that the railway has bought the Tier-4 Compliant ES44C4s Your girlfriend is named Ashley You can actually call a locomotive "Pinky" Freight cars are termed as Dead Loads You bow down to the gods (ie. President Hertwig) every time the Azalea, St. Augustine, and Power Car pass on the butt end of trains like 101 and 226 Nightlife for you includes clubbing around the destinations I mentioned in the previous list, as well as Fort Pierce, Ja...