Me at the Fairchild Debate, photo #5

The Miami Herald very kindly featured photos of several of us debating the environment the weekend of the 28th. It was an energizing weekend, and I had a pleasure being in an open-ended, social event. I met my new friends Alex, Hunter, and Jasmine, and acquainted better with my debate team.

I am also in my school's Mu Alpha Theta. Maybe that sentence can imply why I like a debate competition much better than a Math competition.

In a debate, you present ideas. You're getting evaluated, but still the open endedness leaves you at ease. Some new ideas in an impromptu speech can get you points. It is a different experience... Yet Fairchild is a more environment sort of thing than a heavy debate. But it's still practice for me, as I hope to attend Student Congress sessions next year. (the big FIMUN and DIMUN events conflict with things such as the Cadillac Championship and others).

In a Math competition, you take a test, individually and as a team of four. The social experience there is much less as traditionally you are clad to your group. I know most of my members so it is not like I am getting to meet anyone new, so it is not a fresh experience.

...and that is why, with all my might, I will seek an "office" in the debate team next year.


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