
Showing posts from February, 2012

Friday Night Cranks - 5 Year Show Full!

Watching all 4.5 hours of this Friday Night Cranks show makes you feel like one of them. To me it sure did. Besides, I am college-bound (close enough); like to horse around, "troll", and kid around; and am their colleague, if you will, a YouTube Partner. Add these and you have common ground. Tonight I finished the last part of this show, that I have been watching in parts since Monday. Copying the link "at Current Time" made sure I would enjoy the rest of it, and I really loved it. Maybe if you are 40, 50, or 13 (w/o the sense of humor these people have), you would not think the same that I am thinking. Yes, I am 17 and think prank calls are funny (especially if done in the means these guys have done which is legal). In all, I look at this as a satire. It makes fun of the shortfalls of society in the form of prank calls. When they josh around with Walmart, or with Hewlett-Packard as seen in this video, I think they're poking around with the people who call from ...

Me at the Fairchild Debate , photo #5 The Miami Herald very kindly featured photos of several of us debating the environment the weekend of the 28th. It was an energizing weekend, and I had a pleasure being in an open-ended, social event. I met my new friends Alex, Hunter, and Jasmine, and acquainted better with my debate team. I am also in my school's Mu Alpha Theta. Maybe that sentence can imply why I like a debate competition much better than a Math competition. In a debate, you present ideas. You're getting evaluated, but still the open endedness leaves you at ease. Some new ideas in an impromptu speech can get you points. It is a different experience... Yet Fairchild is a more environment sort of thing than a heavy debate. But it's still practice for me, as I hope to attend Student Congress sessions next year. (the big FIMUN and DIMUN events conflict with things such as the Cadillac Championship and others). ...