Tolga's Takeaways, Plant City Train Show
Action on the Main Street. Todd T. Photo. October 8 was the NMRA Sunshine Region Train Show, part of their Fall Convention meetup. The Sunshine Region comprises of four divisions of Model Train enthusiasts in the state of Florida, the North, East, West, and South, and the East Coast HO Exhibitors Society, which I am a part of, is a part of the Southern Division. Also part of the Southern Division is the South Florida Railway Museum, whose members had a large presence at this meet. However, my main participation at the Plant City Show was with the Greater Florida LEGO Users Group. GFLUG member Todd T. and I covered this event. We had a 32'x5' space allowed for the brief set-up, which was approximately 7 hours setup to teardown. Keep in mind, with that small of a window, there is no need to have a massive setup nor go insanely all out with high levels of line-side detail and props. I had thought it was 16'x5' in total, but that turned out to be the space I was actu...