Classic Town Reboot
First and foremost, I would like to welcome you to my rebranded blog, a play on E. Hunter Harrison's Precision Scheduled Railroad model as it is being applied to CSX. Indeed, this blog is not necessarily to be about his changes to CSX which are debatable, for better or for worse, but about how I see the hobbies (LEGO, Trains, etc.) going forward. I want to make needed changes so that those hobbies that I do enjoy can be done more so; and I wish to share the know-how with all of you. I am undergoing changes to the LEGO hobby especially that I will discuss at a later time. This entry, however, is about a very effective move being implemented on a future train show display. NMRA Display Plan with Airport added in. There is an extra baseplate I had lying around to be included The NMRA National Train Show is a month away, and we will be missing two very important gentlemen who have contributed immensely to GFLUG over the years. I was watching Beyond the Brick's LEGO Vault ...